Worry no longer. After a vigorous shampoo and condition, the signature curlyfro is back. Never to be assaulted again.... If I can help it.
On a much more glittery note.... Did you notice something else in these pics? I know the hair is distracting, but take a look at la mouth de la bebe! You're seeing correctly! That's a tooth, with a second one soon to follow!! Congratulations little chomper!
Happy first time grandmommy's day to my amazing mom! I honestly don't know what I'd do without her! Sooooo Selfless! Happy godmommy's day, Kanaa! I am truly blessed to know her and share this journey of motherhood with every single step of the way. God is soooo smart! Happy Nana's day, Mrs. Taylor. Happy soon-to-be mom's day, butterfly.... And to all the Brody Lovers who happen to also be stylish mothers....... Happy Mother's Day, I love you all!
P.S. BroJo, I know you're busy planning a great weekend for me! Will one of those plans happen to include an all out, much needed, well overdue spa day for el carro.... (subtle hint)....
Brody's reaction to this hilarious challenge!
**real name has been protected to prevent the abundance of threats and hate mail....