Ok. For those of you who have been given the privilege of spending quality time with mi Brody Joseph, you know he has plenty to say. However, I don't think you are aware of the extent to which the little bumble bee actually buzzes. From the moment BroJo awakes to the very moment he journeys to the wonderful land of slumber, he's talking. Oooing, Ahhing, Cooing, Yaaing, taking breaks only to eat. I mean with facial expressions and all. What does Brody have to tell the world? There's something he's trying to tell us! Some random Trader Joe's shopper told me, "There's nothing sweeter than the sound of a baby." Hmmm...... ok......
Sunday during worship service the "sweetest sound" got us politely asked to leave. And yesterday at dinner, the "sweetest sound" called the attention of the entire restaurant/diner to sing what I believe to be "Yes Jesus love me" (or maybe beyonce's Halo) in a high pitched, soprano voice.
Oh Brody...... continue your chatter! Continue your song! One day, they'll pay attention...... One day.